Scrum Unframed

The inner workings of Scrum.


Scrum unframed exposes the inner workings of Scrum. We intentionally leave out elements of Scrum, to enable teams to uncover better ways to address complex problems.

Definition unframed

In a nutshell, Scrum promotes teams to adaptively solve complex problems to optimize for value.

This is achieved through:

  • Employing empiricism;

  • Building trust;

  • Self-management;

  • Employing an iterative, incremental approach;

  • Inspect and adapt each step of the way;

  • Focussing on the essentials;

In complex environments, what will happen is unknown. Simplicity and consistency are keys to resolving complexity. Happiness and satisfaction are keys to optimizing value.

Scrum is incomplete which invites teams to explore and experiment.

Empiricism unframed

Empiricism is the act of making decisions based on what is actually experienced. It stems from the Latin ‘empiricus’ (from Greek ‘empeirikos’) which can translate to ‘experienced’ and ‘skilled’. Empiricism builds on exploring the unknown and figuring out the best steps along the way. This works best in changing environments and complex challenges.

Better decisions are made through

  • Enhancing visibility;

  • Developing a shared understanding;

  • Performing frequent and diligent inspections.

Empiricism improves the ability to act timely, confidently and autonomously as the understanding over the complex problem enhances.

Scrum Values unframed

Empiricism can thrive when there is trust. Scrum Teams improve conditions and behavior to build trust.

Goals unframed

Goals are targets defining desirable outcomes. Goals provide flexibility in terms of what is needed to achieve them. Goals promote cohesive focus, encouraging people to work together. Ideally, the Scrum Team focuses on one goal before taking on the next.

Increments unframed

An Increment is a concrete stepping stone towards a goal. The increment resolves a degree of complexity from which value can be derived. An increment is the primary measure of progress.

Artifacts unframed

Artifacts are by-products in order to resolve complex problems. They may be useful to enhance transparency in resolving complex problems, yet they can also add complexity. An artifact may for example be a list, plan, or formal description of what is needed to resolve complex problems.

The Scrum Team unframed

A Scrum Team is a cross-functional and self-managing unit of professionals with no sub-teams or hierarchies.


  • Determine what conditions help solve complex problems to create value.

  • Ideally focus on one complex problem at a time.

  • Operate at a sustainable pace

  • Share or acquire such skills as needed.

  • Act through invitation, not coercion

  • Internally decide who does what, when, and how.

Ownership unframed

Ownership extends to maximizing the value from resolving complex problems. This includes:

  • Clearly communicating what is needed to improve;

  • Organizing what is needed to improve;

The Scrum Team self-manages these needs. These needs and decisions are ordered, visible and frequently inspected. For the Scrum Team to succeed, their decisions are to be respected.

Mastery unframed

Mastering Scrum involves the Scrum Team practicing leadership. This leadership involves, but is not limited to:

  • Establishing goals;

  • Causing the removal of impediments and barriers;

  • Promoting positive and effective interactions;

  • Improving its processes, tools and techniques

The Sprint unframed

Sprints are time-boxed events during which:

  • Trust is build to support empiricism.

  • The Scrum Team self-manages.

  • No changes are made that would endanger goals;

  • Transparency is enhanced;

  • Inspections are frequently and diligently performed;

  • Adaptations are performed as more is learned;

  • Chances of meeting goals are optimized.

  • Value is delivered continuously.

Throughout the Sprint, Scrum Team self-manages it activities and organizes opportunities for individuals to interact. The Scrum Team can select whatever structure and techniques it wants to manage these activities. How often, when and how long these take place, is the sole discretion of the Scrum Team. Ideally, these activities are performed during events which take place at regular intervals, at the same time and place, to reduce complexity.

Planning unframed

The purpose of planning is frequently and diligently inspecting progress towards goals and adapting the actionable plan towards them.

The Scrum Team develops an actionable plan for what is needed to solve complex challenges. The actionable plan for the Sprint is self-managed by the Scrum Team. They may refine and clarify the work, which increases understanding and confidence. The Scrum Team may also invite other people to attend to support them.

The actionable plan for the Sprint emerges through the collaborative work of the entire Scrum Team.

Only what has already happened may be used for forward-looking decision making.

Planning continues throughout the Sprint.

Refinement unframed

The purpose of refinement is breaking down complex problems into smaller more manageable ones. Scrum Team members who will be doing the work are responsible for sizing and refining. Others may influence them by helping them understand and select trade-offs.

Refinement continues throughout the Sprint.

Development unframed

The specific skills employed to resolve complex problems are often broad and will vary with the domain of work. In this context development may involve discovery, design, collaboration, verification, maintenance, operation, experimentation, research and anything else that might be required.

Review unframed

The purpose of review is frequently and diligently inspecting the outcomes and results of the efforts by the Scrum Team and to determine adaptations. Scrum Teams also review what has changed in their environment. Based on this information, attendees collaborate on what to do next to meet new opportunities.

Reviews happen throughout the Sprint.

Delivery unframed

Scrum Teams may deliver increments at any time in order to resolve complexity. Delivery is self-managed by the Scrum Team. The Scrum Team likewise self-manages which standards, such as quality measures, are required for delivery.

Retrospective unframed

The purpose retrospective is to plan ways to increase quality, effectiveness and happiness of the Scrum Team. The Scrum Team plans ways to better equip itself to resolving complex problems.

The Scrum Team reflects and inspects how it is progressing with regards to individuals, interactions, workflow, tools, trust, empiricism.

In retrospect, the Scrum Team identifies assumptions that led them astray. Their origins are explored. The Scrum Team generally discusses what went well, what problems it encountered, and how those problems were (or were not) solved.

These retrospectives and improvements happen throughout the Sprint.

End Note

Scrum is free and offered in the official Scrum Guide. We acknowledge we have read and agreed to be bound by the terms of the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons under the Scrum Guide it is filed and protected. This thankfully gives us the freedom to adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose.

Scrum unframed is created by Willem-Jan Ageling, Maarten Dalmijn and Sjoerd Nijland.

Of the thousands of people who have contributed to Scrum, we first acknowledge those who were instrumental at the start: Jeff Sutherland worked with Jeff McKenna and John Scumniotales, and Ken Schwaber worked with Mike Smith and Chris Martin, and all of them worked together. Many others contributed in the ensuing years and without their help Scrum would not be refined as it is today.

We explicitly acknowledge Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka for their publication of the New New Product Development Game from which the game of Scrum emerged. Additionally we credit James Coplien for the contribution of patterns.

For this adaptation we want to single out Gunther Verheyen for supporting us and being a source of inspiration for Scrum unframed.

Last updated